Friday, August 2, 2013

Weight Watchers

So I mentioned in my last post that I am doing WW again. I wanted to explain my break in blogging and my reignited love for WW.

As you can see, there was a long gap between my last two posts. Honestly, things were going well, I was exercising a ton, eating a bit better (though my portions were still larger than they should have been) and then I went on vacation. For over 2 weeks. Yeah, everything basically fell apart. On vacation I ate a ton of fried food, so much sugar, and didn't workout at all. I got home feeling bloated and depressed. About 3 days after being home, I broke down while talking to my husband and told him how miserable I was. I felt sooo horrible physically. I had no energy, no stamina, and honestly didn't even feel like getting out of bed most mornings. I knew something had to change. I needed help.

Enter my old friend WW. Now, I am no stranger to WW. Honestly, I have started the program so many times I have lost track. But this time feels different. In the past, I have almost resented WW. Like, thinking it's not fair that I have to keep track of my food, figure out points, etc. This time, however, I just feel like I really need help and support, and WW can give me the guidance I need. So far I am a little over 2 weeks in and am loving it. I haven't lost a ton of weight yet (4lbs total) but I just feel soooo much better! I feel alive again. It's awesome.

Compared to the old WW, I love the new Points Plus. I think it is so great that fruits and veggies are free. It really does motivate me to eat more fruit (something I was definitely lacking before) and just makes me really think about 'balanced meals.'

So yeah, that's what I am up to. Counting points and working out 5 days a week (and of course taking care of my son and hanging with my awesome hubby). Work starts back up for me in a little over a week, so I'm hoping to feel really settled into the WW program when work starts so I can just keep going and working towards my goals.

In other news, I just bought and received Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and am going to officially start the 90-day program! I am so excited. I am going to take measurements and photos now so I can then compare in 90 days. I will be sure to share on this blog :-)

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