Thursday, June 27, 2013

Intuitive Eating

In the past, I have tried several different 'diet plans.' When I lost weight most recently, I started with intuitive eating and then switched over to counting calories on the Lose It app. While it worked great, I became really burned out and got sooo sick of counting everything I ate. I think that's one of the reasons I started to gain the weight back, because I just was so tired of always having to try so hard, if that makes sense. So this time around, I am trying to just eat intuitively. So far, I'd say it's been interesting.

Specifically, the last couple of weeks I have definitely been killing it on the workout front. While the first week I went from 234lb to 230lb, my weight has now pretty much been keeping steady at the 230lb range. I know some of that is to be expected, since I haven't really worked out in months so my muscles are probably shocked and retaining water like crazy; however, it does make me think maybe I need to reanalyze my eats. I think my biggest downfall lately has been the snacks I'm choosing after dinner. I am definitely not one of those people who can say "I won't eat anything after dinner." It's just not going to happen. With a 3 year old, we eat dinner around 5pm, so I would be so hungry by the time I went to be at 10 or 11pm. But the snacks I'm choosing are definitely carb heavy, like pretzels, granola bars, etc. And I'm realizing that I haven't been eating enough fruit. So tonight, I'm going to commit to eating a piece of fruit after dinner. I just got some watermelon and it is calling my name!

On a different note, last night I went out and got some goggles, so I think I'm going to go swimming today. I am so excited! I'm trying out a new-to-me pool that I am hoping is great. I'll let you know how it goes!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Running and Weekly Workout Plan

So as I mentioned earlier, I love to run. It's my favorite workout. No matter what other type of exercise I try, nothing seems to work me as hard or change my body as much as running does. Luckily, I enjoy it while it's happening, too! After a few months off from working out (welcome 34lb weight gain!) I have been back at running for the last 3 weeks. I'm really excited that the mileage has come back much faster than I expected it to. I was kind of worried I would have to completely restart the Couch-to-5K program that helped me break into running last year, but luckily my body must have built some good muscle memory because I am already up to running 27min at a time without stopping.

Now, I know you're probably thinking "27 min - that's kind of a random amount." But what I did was start with 20 min straight and  have added one extra minute of running with each progressive workout. While it started off super tough, today was the first day where I felt like I am actually getting back into the swing of things. No huffing and puffing, just running and enjoying the motion. Maybe it's because I put on some TV (I've been running on my treadmill since there is no way in hell I'm running outside in the 90 degree heat), so it was easier to distract myself while watching a show than just staring at a blank wall, which I know is shocking to everyone out there.

Anyway, I think I might start posting my weekly workouts every Sunday, since I usually think of my week from Monday - Sunday. But since I didn't post this Sunday, here's my plan for the week:

Monday - Treadmill Run Complete! Total of 52 min on the treadmill, including 29 min of running
Tuesday - Cathe's Low Impact Circuit Complete! Did 40 min of the tape.
Wednesday - Treadmill Run Complete! Total of 55 min on the treadmill, including 30 min of running
Thursday - Cathe's Low Max Step
Friday - Treadmill Run
Saturday - Rest
Sunday -   Bike and/or Exercise Video

I also really want to go swim some laps, since I'm planning on completing my first triathlon this fall and want to start getting in the swing of things (official training will start mid-July). First, though, I'll need to go buy some goggles and possibly a swim cap. Also, need to see when I can go that it won't conflict with my son's schedule (he's at a learning day camp and I have to pick him up every afternoon). Maybe Friday I'll switch out treadmill for swimming? We'll see!

29 Things I Love

As a way for you all to get to know me, I thought it'd be fun to make a list of things I love. And since I recently turned 29, it seemed like a great idea to list 29 things I love. So here you go, in no particular order:

1. My family. I am basically obsessed with my son and my husband. They are awesome in every way imaginable.

2. Running. Definitely my favorite workout activity. In fact, I love running so much, last year I completed a half-marathon and am proud to say I ran the whole way (i.e. no walk breaks). It was one of the hardest things I've done and I'm working to get back into the kind of shape I was in when I ran.

3. Cathe Friedrich. I love Cathe. I mean, I'm probably not on par with a true "Cathlete" (yep, that's a thing - look it up) but she is my favorite aerobics instructor. My top three Cathe videos are: "Low Max Step", "Low Impact Circuit", and "Kick, Punch, Crunch"

4. Chocolate. Yep, I'm definitely a self-professed chocoholic. Semi-embarrassing admission: there are way too many pictures of me where I have tiny speckles of chocolate stuck in the corners of my mouth. Is that weird? No, I didn't think so either.

5. Enell bras. I am definitely blessed up-top, and the only bra I've found that keeps the ladies in place when I run are Enell's, and believe me, I've tried a lot of sports bras! I wasn't even paid to write that either!

6. Lists. There is something about lists I love. I make them at work all the time. Sometimes I'll write down things I've already done just so I can cross them off.

7. Nail Polish. My nails are almost never bare, mostly because they are now stained so bad from all the nail polish that they don't look so hot on their own. Right now, they are purple and sparkly.

8. Parentheses.You've probably already started to notice that I use them - a lot. Deal with it. I also use hyphens a lot. You've been warned.

9. Smiley Faces. Yes, I know some/many people hate them, but I love them. I laugh and smile a lot in real life, and my writing follows suit. They make me happy :-)

10. The Ocean. I love, love, LOVE the ocean. Definitely my favorite place to be. Right now, we're about 2-1/2 hours away from the nearest beach, but our long-term goal is to own a small oceanfront condo. That would be amazing!

11. Animals. We have one cat and one dog and they are so much fun.

12. My Mom. She's basically my best friend. We talk everyday on the phone. She lives about 10 hours away from me and that makes me sad :-(

13. Cooking. It's one of my favorite hobbies. I am always trying new recipes (from cookbooks and blogs - I don't make them up myself). My favorite cuisines are Thai, Chinese, and Indian. Yum!

14. Blogs. I love reading weight loss blogs. I find them so inspiring. If you know of any good ones, let me know!

15. Curly Hair. My hair is curly and I love it. As a kid, I of course hated it, but I now realize how great it is that I can take a shower, throw in some mousse, and be on my way.

16. Pesto. I have a small garden which is basically 30 basil plants. I make A LOT of pesto.

17. My Job. I work for a local school system and love it. Kids rock.

18. Large Bath Towels. There is nothing better than wrapping up in a big towel after a nice, relaxing bath. Similarly, there is nothing worse than only having tiny towels around that don't even fit around your waist.

19. Reading. Love it. You must, too, if you have made it this far down my list!

20. Celebrity Gossip. I try hard not to buy the magazines, but I do check more times a day than I'd like to admit.

21. Shellfish. Shrimp, scallops, crab = yum! But not lobster - it always looked too much like a big roach to me.

22. Purple. It's my favorite color. Am I too old to have a favorite color? Nah.

23. TV. I watch more TV than I'd like to admit. Mostly comedies. Like I said before, I love to laugh.

24. Dancing. Not doing it so much, as watching it. Have you seen the documentary 'First Position"? It was so good! And I love 'So You Think You Can Dance.' There's something about watching the dancers do things with their bodies that I didn't even know were possible that motivates me to be stronger.

25. Vacation. I am on summer break right now from my job and I love it. Definitely the #1 perk to working in the public school system.

26. Facebook. I wish I didn't enjoy it as much as I do. I spend way too many hours reading about people I'm not even close with in 'real life.' I think I need a Facebook intervention.

27. My Garmin. I guess this links back to running, but I can't imagine running without it.

28. Watches. I have a thing for big, chunky Fossil watches. I stalk TJ Maxx a lot since they have them cheap.

29. Romantic Comedies. Doesn't matter if they are books or movies, I love them. 'You've Got Mail' is one of my favorite movies - I was obsessed with Meg Ryan and wanted her haircut so badly.

Well, thanks for stopping by and getting to know me a bit better!

Monday, June 24, 2013


Hello all. I thought it'd make sense to start this blog with an introduction to who I am. As you have probably already deduced, my name is Alison, and I am creating this blog to document my journey to become healthy and strong. I have a lot of weight to lose and even more emotional issues to work though, and I thought it'd be good for me to have a place where I can come document my progress and steps to a healthier me.

I suffer from binge eating and depression, with the two working hand in hand when times get tough. I'm also a closet eater, though have worked hard to control this issue and rarely eat in secret anymore. One of the reasons I don't eat in secret is that I have a wonderful family, consisting of an amazing and supportive husband and the most incredible 3-year old around, who keep me grounded, busy, and honest. Plus, it's kind of hard to eat in secret when either your child or husband is always around!

In terms of my weight, last year I lost 61lbs on my own, going from 257lbs at my highest to 196lbs. I felt awesome, and then it all fell apart and I have gained back 34 of those pounds. So here I am, 5'7" and restarting my health journey at 230lbs. I do think one of the reasons I stumbled with my journey is my lack of outside support (while my husband is incredible, he was honestly one of the only people I even talked about my health and weight loss with) and an inability on my part to celebrate how hard I was working. I'm thinking this blog will be an awesome way for me to celebrate the life changes, big or small, as I continue to work toward my ultimate goal with being healthy, fit, and comfortable in my own skin.

So welcome, enjoy, and I look forward to getting to know you all!