Thursday, June 27, 2013

Intuitive Eating

In the past, I have tried several different 'diet plans.' When I lost weight most recently, I started with intuitive eating and then switched over to counting calories on the Lose It app. While it worked great, I became really burned out and got sooo sick of counting everything I ate. I think that's one of the reasons I started to gain the weight back, because I just was so tired of always having to try so hard, if that makes sense. So this time around, I am trying to just eat intuitively. So far, I'd say it's been interesting.

Specifically, the last couple of weeks I have definitely been killing it on the workout front. While the first week I went from 234lb to 230lb, my weight has now pretty much been keeping steady at the 230lb range. I know some of that is to be expected, since I haven't really worked out in months so my muscles are probably shocked and retaining water like crazy; however, it does make me think maybe I need to reanalyze my eats. I think my biggest downfall lately has been the snacks I'm choosing after dinner. I am definitely not one of those people who can say "I won't eat anything after dinner." It's just not going to happen. With a 3 year old, we eat dinner around 5pm, so I would be so hungry by the time I went to be at 10 or 11pm. But the snacks I'm choosing are definitely carb heavy, like pretzels, granola bars, etc. And I'm realizing that I haven't been eating enough fruit. So tonight, I'm going to commit to eating a piece of fruit after dinner. I just got some watermelon and it is calling my name!

On a different note, last night I went out and got some goggles, so I think I'm going to go swimming today. I am so excited! I'm trying out a new-to-me pool that I am hoping is great. I'll let you know how it goes!

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